Tag: Motorola

Build an Android Superbook with DisplayLink adapter

About Superbook A couple of days ago, I saw an interesting Kickstarter project called Superbook. The Superbook is a shell that turns your Android smartphone into a laptop. It’s created by the Andromium team, backers have pledged more than eight hundred thousand dollars for this project. You should take a look at their Kickstarter project page: http://getsuperbook.com/ After reading the introduction of Superbook, I think it is kind of familiar with LapDock 100, which is launched by Motorola couple of years ago. While LapDock is designed for Motorola smartphones like ME865 or Atrix. If you want to use LapDock for other devices, then your device must be capable of USB Host/OTG and HDMI output function, also you need to prepare kinds of converter adapters/cables. The main features of Superbook includes: Support all Android smartphone with USB OTG function; 11.6” HD Display with 1366x768 resolution; 10 hours of battery, charge your...

Ubuntu for Android on XOLO X900

This post is synchronized from (click here for best display effect): https://zohead.com/archives/ubuntu-for-xolo-x900/ Lava XOLO X900 smartphone use Intel Atom Z2460 x86 CPU, so we can try to make some modifications to default Android system, then we can get a tentative Ubuntu for Android system. The important part of this is we can run x86 version Ubuntu, which is much more useful than ARM version Ubuntu (you can do nothing without source code, no proprietary software at all). Let's see the final Ubuntu for Android effect (on Motorola LapDock 100): For now, I can run some quite useful program like: Skype, Ubuntu One, sopcast in this Ubuntu system on Android. And the most brilliant thing is we can run Ubuntu and Android system simultaneously, Ubuntu is running on another display screen, doesn't affect Android system at all, we don't need VNC to remote login to Ubuntu. Click here for introduction about...

构建联想K800非官方kernel支持OTG U盘

本文同步自(最佳显示效果请点击):https://zohead.com/archives/k800-kernel-otg-udisk/ 这几天专门入了个二手的联想 K800 的 Android 手机,看中的就是它是 x86 的 CPU,其采用 Intel Medfield Atom 平台,具体处理器型号为 Intel Atom Z2460,用的 Android 4.0.4 系统,具体其它配置我就不多说的。 优点: 使用 Intel x86 CPU,方便程序的移植(相对 ARM 而言); 4.5 寸的 1280 x 720 的 IPS 高清屏幕,主要分辨率够给力; 支持 USB OTG; 支持 MHL 视频输出(缺点也在这,下面再说); 耗电没想象中的那么严重; 使用的 Intel Atom Z2460 CPU 支持 EM64T 64 位指令; 使用的 Intel Atom Z2460 CPU 支持 Intel VT-x 虚拟化技术(不过这个好像在 Android 4.1 中用处才发挥出来,暂时也用不上); 很便宜。 缺点: 没有单独的 HDMI 接口,视频输出需要占用 MicroUSB,OTG 与 MHL 无法同时使用; OTG 不支持 U 盘(也是本文要解决的); 恶心的乐 Phone,联想没有公开 kernel 源代码。 上面说的缺点里,最后一条不公开 kernel source 是联想一贯悠久的恶劣传统,也是我最忍受不了的一条。 一番努力搜寻之后,我终于找到了曲线救国的神主:Motorola。对,就是他,虽然摩托似乎从来就没有开放的基因,但被 Google 收购之后,摩托在其推出的 Intel 手机 Moto RAZR i 上终于有良心了一把:公布了 Moto RAZR i 的 kernel source。由于 Moto RAZR i 与联想 K800 同样采用 Intel Medfield 平台,因此我就赌了一把其 kernel source 会有很大程度上的相似性,结果很幸运小成功了。 1、获取源码: 首先在 SourceForge 上抓取 Moto RAZR i 的 kernel source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/razr-i.motorola/files/ 一共 100 多MB,咱先解压,打开 Makefile,确定 kernel version 是 3.0.8 版本。 给联想 K800 root,装 adb 驱动,用 adb shell 连上看,运行 uname -a 查看 K800 手机的 kernel version 是 3.0.8-g37de913,啊哈,除了后缀版本一致。然后尝试读取 /proc/config.gz,无奈联想又是没有把 kernel configuration 给导出,找不到 /proc/config.gz...